Sunday, 17 June 2012

The Little Refugee 2

 Hello Boys and Girls  J

After finishing the podcast of Anh Do’s story, The Little Refugee, please:

a) Summarise the story of The Little Refugee using a minimum of three sentences.  Tip: read over your sentences to make sure that they make sense.

b) List one similarity and one difference between the texts The Little Refugee and Onion Tears, making sure you explain your answers.


  1. Their mum had two little boys who were too polite to say anything.

  2. there was a lot a people board because they wantet to play

  3. There is a family witch had to escape Japan so they arrived in Australia and started a new life.

  4. There was this new kid at school and Ahn decided to play with the new kid in. In class Ahn tried hard in work when it was reward time Ahn did not get picked but he got picked for the school captian his parents were very proud of him

  5. brayden johnson24 June 2012 at 19:50

    ahn do leaves the country and can't get school clothes.
    his parents start a sewing business and the sewing machines get stolen from the shed at night. ahn do starts a handball tournament and becomes class captain.

  6. brayden johnson24 June 2012 at 19:55

    there is a war in both books.
    in the little refugee the main character is a boy in onion tears the main character is a boy.

  7. Anh Do was to stay in the ship but luckily a ship came and helped them.They arived at Australia and Anh's parents started having a business while Anh started school.Anh started playing handball with a new friend and at assembly Anh was class captain for yr5.this book is similar because is that both of their families are seperated.The contrasts of both of the books is that Anh was seperated and went to Australia.

  8. The two boys Koah,and Ahn Do had to leave their country and they could not come back.When he got Australia he had no friends.He didn't know that much Australian words so he didn't do that well at school. His parents started making cloths so they could wear their proper school uniform.when Ahn Do got to year 5 he became the schools blue captin.his parents were proud and so was Ahn Do.

  9. The little refugee is about a boy called anh do with his family running away from his country to get money.Meanwhile a war was going.When anh was traveling,pirates and was threatening them.but the pirates just sailed away.Then anh went to Australia.he was the new kid at school so no-one really plays with him.

  10. The two boys Koah,and Ahn Do had to leave their country and they could not come back.

  11. Koah and Ahn do leave their country to go to school no one would play with him and they would laugh at his stuff.There was a new kid in school so Ahn asked him if he would like to play hand ball.Later on they had an assembly and Ahn won blue captan he was so proud.

  12. sentence1 Ahn Do really wanted a award but he did`nt get one but he was the school captain



  13. The little Refugee is about a boy boy called anh and his family on a boat because pirats attaking the boat and steeling all their stuff.


  15. Nam Huong all ways writes to her little canary and Anh do needs to be good to hes famly.
